Healthy Foods for Truckers

One major issue for truckers is staying and eating healthy, especially when you are always on the road like truckers are. It is easy to grab a quick meal filled with carbs, and that is not bad in moderation, however, you should still keep healthy snacks with you. Here are some easy choices so you can get the nutrients you need, even when on the go.

  1. Tuna. If you get the lunch to go packages, then you have easy meal already ready

  2. Carrots and broccoli. Both good sources of vitamins; they are easy to find at many places because truck stops have also started expanding their offerings to more healthy foods. It also helps you keep up with your daily veggie intake.

  3. Hummus. A good source of protein and it makes an easy and quick meal. Bonus points: use it as dip for veggies for an even more balanced meal.

  4. Mixed nuts. An easy and quick snack filled with protein that will keep you full longer.

  5. Apples with peanut butter. Simple, easy, but will satisfy a sweet craving and give you energy to keep going until you next meal.

These are just a few options. Let us know if you have any other easy snacks or healthy tips for trucker life on our social media!